W e l c o l m e!

 I Am glad, to have you here.

You are looking for a new face,

A verstile voice,

or a diversified host for your project?

Then you are right here. I am looking forward to your request?

But first - have fun poking around my website. :)





Und Bitte! Couch und Kaffee. Der Schauspielpodcast

Here we are! The actors Tina and Christian with their Acting podcast for actors, some who want to become one and everyone who is interestet in the acting world. We dive in to the film and theatre world, speak about our experiences, stones in our ways and current topics of the industry.

We are also interested in your stories, questions and concerns. We have guests on a regular base. Listen to our podcast and be part of it.


Hosts: Tina Kümpel: www.tinakuempel.com

Christian Jankovski: www.christianjankovski.com

Sponsored by: Schauspielfabrik GmbH Schweiz www.schauspielfabrik.ch







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